Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Bye the Human Rights Party!

April 18, 2009.
Re: My disassociation with the Human Rights Party

Dear HRP leaders and members:

Enclosed please find my letter addressed to Mr. Kem Sokha, President of the Human Rights Party, to declare my formal disassociation from this Party.

Although I disassociate myself from this Party, I will always remain a loyal friend to all of you and I hope that whatever you do you will think of our people and country first.
My sincere regrets are for all members and supporters who have put your trust in me and my inaccurate judgment toward HRP’s top leaders, who at the time appeared to be truthful, reasonable, credible, and patriotic. Unfortunately, many of them and their activities had turned out to be in opposite of our dreams.

For now, you may disagree with my assessments and belief and I want very much to be wrong so that your endeavors will be successful to benefit our people and country, but for the time being, I see little hope for the future of this party as long as it remains under the current style of leadership and chaotic system of management.

Some of you have insisted that I should only deal with the individuals who have the money and abandon those who have no financial means to support HRP and its leaders. One individual specifically called me this past Thursday to do just that. I urge you to think again.
When an organization glamorizes only those who have the money it will lose its balance and will benefit only those who want the money. I cannot imagine what goes into the mind of certain individuals who think less and care less about those unfortunate members who at one point poured their life savings to support HRP and its leaders. This is the kind of thoughts that contradict my belief and I refuse to be a leader or associate myself with individuals who look down on the unfortunate ones. Needless to say, some of top HRP’s leaders, including HRP’s president, think in the same manner.

Again, I would like to thank you for your cooperation in the past and present. As a friend and one of Cambodia’s countrymen, I will always be available to answer your questions regarding my experience and personal view relating to Cambodian issues. I remain committed to stop abuses by those who pretend to be democratic lovers and make use of political avenue as their stepping stone to riches and fames.

May the lights of Lord Buddha enlighten you to do the right things for our people and nation.
Warmest regards,

Sathonne Chhim
Former President HRP-USA
Former Member of HRP's Board of Directors
Former number 2 Candidate in Prey Veng
One of HRP co-founders
All members and supporters of HRP
For information


The truth hurts. For many people, dreams to help Cambodia can be destroyed by dishonest individuals.

Experiences must be shared so that the next generations can learn from our mistakes, however, many politicians hide their mistakes and left no traces for the younger ones to learn and to help correct them. I joined HRP, the Human Rights Party to try to achieve Cambodian dreams for Democracy, Justice, Freedom and Human Rights etc... Unfortunately, when certain individuals or groups use sufferings of Cambodians as political tools to just merely make a living, they are not different from tyrants. Hence, my decision is to disassociate from such a group. The following are my email to HRP leaders and members:
And a letter to HRP's President:

Please click on the above links and click on preview or download.

Thank you.

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