Monday, May 4, 2009

My letter to MP Mu Sochua regards Immunity

Dear MP Mu Sochua,

It is an excellent opportunity for Cambodian people to come together to rally behind your particular case to seek justices for all.

It is very important for everyone to make sure that this case is not about PM Hun Sen Vs MP Mu Sochua which have been amplified by many news media. Perhaps it is not about winning or losing in Cambodian imbalance court system, but it is about making the whole world learn about injustices in Cambodia and it is about bringing positive messages to PM Hun Sen that he needs to pay closer attention in what he says or does as the Cambodian Prime Minister.

I have been watching television programs, listening to radio programs and reading newspaper’s reports on PM Hun Sen’s public speeches ever since he became Cambodia’s Prime Minister. Like many of us, I believe that his tones of language have been mostly tactless and considered lower than any professional standard used by civilized nations such as the nations of the Western World. This is one of his weaknesses and I don't think that anyone can make PM Hun Sen change his behaviors which have been imbedded in him for decades. Needless to say, PM Hun Sen and all politicians must realize that words can hurt and kill. What politicians had to say against each other during the past elections, for example, have continued to boggle my mind. Prime Minister Hun Sen must realize that he too has been a victim of verbal abuses when his opponents have been calling him all sorts of name. Verbal exchanges among all sides were truly embarrassing.

Nevertheless, all politicians must come together to concentrate on the issue of injustices within the Cambodian society as well as justice system, and don't just focus on the spoken languages which can be easily learned and practiced. Politicians need to focus on winning for the people and not for themselves. Politicians need to put Cambodia national interests first and make sure that personal issues and problems will be resolved privately and not publicly.

I congratulate you for standing up and fight for justices for all Khmer people, not just for women and I urge you and your party’s leaders to stand stronger and be more competitive in all areas including morality, ethical conducts and integrity to help bring justices for the people of Cambodia and not just winning over Prime Minister Hun Sen.

May God and Lord Buddha guide you to do the right things for Cambodians and Cambodia.

With much respects,

Sathonne Chhim
New York
----- Original Message -----
From: Mu Sochua
Subject: RE: Parliamentray Immunity
I am forever grateful for the immense support I have received from all of you who are committed to justice. My case is just one small case among many hundreds and thousands of cases that are part of a justice system that punishes the innocent. I ask you all to focus on the injustice for our people and not just my case., The solution is very clear: re-establish a justice system that protects all citizens and not the powerful. A truely independent justice system is a system that gives access to all citizens, a fair due process, competent and impartial judges, and accountable to the people. The Sam Rainsy Party does not just want to point out the weaknesses of our system, we want to give solutions to the system and we have those solutions and are committed to install justice for all. The suffering of our people because of the corrupt judiciary is what we need to focus on and SRP is intended to do just that rather than focusing on Mu SOchua's case. The poor sell their land and even their children in order to pay to visit their relatives who are detained. Families are destroyed, even if they are innocent as bribes must be paid to get out of detention and to escape wrong sentencing. The entire country is affected by this total break down of the judiciary. No matter how we analyze the existing laws, we will come to a dead end unless we clean up the system. That starts with a political will. I will follow the court process with the intention of bringing to light where justice stands in Cambodia. Best regards to all, Mu Sochua, MP

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