Sunday, June 7, 2009

A yes-man is your worst ennemy


Thank you for your comments.

I regret if you belong to SRP and make this statements.

This is one of the problems that SRP needs to address or correct it on time: once someone does not agree with the ways SRP does business, criticizes its beloved leaders or challenges its status quo, somehow he/or she is not a "nationalist" or should belong to the CPP.

Other opposition parties, too, unfortunately use this as alleged reasons to silence critics. This is wrong! Such a belief is no different than the famous quote that Mr. Sam Rainsy had used previously-- "Mean Sen Ott Sy or Mean Sy Ott Sen" (or where there is Hun Sen, there won't be Sam Rainsy and where there is Sam Rainsy, there won't be Hun Sen.) In fact, if SRP practices such a principle, SRP is no different from the CPP where many people (who have been critical of its policy) have been thrown in jail or being sued.

There are tons of people inside and outside Cambodia who don't belong to any political party and consider themselves as nationalist, patriotic and love their country as much as you do. Just because someone belongs to SRP or to any political party, he or she does not automatically earn his/her title as “nationalist”. Some do for their personal pursuits. I have stated in my previous statements that there are many politicians out there who have formed a political party, be in politics or have used the pains and sufferings of Cambodian people as their mean to make a living, hence they become as "excuses" for the bad guys.

I urge all party members of all political groups to challenge their leaders to do the right things for the people of Cambodia. Put personal interests aside and set national interests as their top priority. Once that happens, no Vietnamese or any foreign countries can take over Cambodia and you don't need to worry about Cambodia becoming Champa. Our Cham brothers and sisters don't need us to knife their heart with our own failure.

A friend (or follower) who is a yes-man is your worst enemy.


In a message dated 6/8/2009 8:44:09 A.M. Korea Standard Time, writes:

Sound like you know everything about Cambodia politic, but you do notknow that Cambodia is being controlled by Vietnam and in a long runwhen more and more Cambodians think like you do and act accordingly ,Cambodia will beanther Kampuchea Kroam. If one is a nationalist and not sure if theSRP is either good or bad, join and follow closelyor if one is an opportunist and/or a warm luker, joint the CPP. Thepower is in the hand of the CPP , everyone knows that, so what can theSRP do unless everyone stand up, If everyone see nothing wrong witheCPP and the Vietnamization in Cambodia , let it be that way , Cambodiadoes not soly belong to One person Sam Rainsy.rickOn Jun 5, 2:04 pm.

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