Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cambodia's Depts

Anonymous said...

Say what? Lon Nol is gone and he carried his US debts to the grave with him. Leaving the viet war aside, current cambodian govt should not be liable to this money owed to US. We khmer are not going to cleaning up Lon Nol's mess. If your deceased dad owes money to the creditor, are you responsible for his loans? The answer is definitely "NO". US can excavate Lon Nol's grave and demand repayments, but khmers are not responsible for his loans.

10:42 PM

Anonymous said...

united states must do better than run away as khmer republic .

11:08 PM

Anonymous said...

TO 10:42 PM.

You can't change, that is an INTERNATIONAL LAW.

All debts in the past or presnt that khmer Gov. has loaned from any Countrie in the World, every khmer have to pay back to them that is our responsible (international law).

Now, we have to prevent corruption in our county. So that all new loans would not go into someone's pocket..

11:35 PM

timothy chhim's blog said...

It is unfortunate past Cambodian leaders as well as the current one owed so much money to other nations. Cambodia owes to almost every larger and wealthier nations.

One of the ways wealthier nations invade and plunder third-world nations is to loan them more money than they can possibly afford to pay back, then string them along in a never-ending system of debt while their private corporations invade and take over the national economy. It's the same scam that banks use to control the People in the United States: Loan them more money than they can afford to pay back and then turn the people into lifelong wage slaves that pay the banks compounded interest.

A country is likened to person who live forever unless the country is dead-- disappearing from the world map--, otherwise what it owes to the other countries need to be settled. That's why, Cambodian leaders must not enter into any loan contract with other nations and pass on the loans for the next generations.

Loans to help rebuild or build Cambodia is not bad, but loans that are used to enrich government officials via corruption is deadly.
Unless Cambodia is self-sufficient or self-reliant then our next generations will be slaves forever to foreign countries.

11:58 PM

Anonymous said...

In term of foreign interference, to my opinion (based on history and contemporary Cambodia) Cambodia has been victimized by Vietnam and China the most. The US had also contributed to the short-term distruction of Cambodia as well. So, to be hornest, all comments above make sense.

I'm glad that Miss Ambassador came to meet Cambodian-Americans to hear their concerns about Cambodia because Khmer inside Cambodia are unable to meet her in a town meeting like this or even if they do can they express their concerns about the Cambodian government? I don't think so. I wish she can come to other places to meet other cambodian-Americans throughout the US.

11:58 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear a politician accuses one another for advising govt to got overloaded loans from foreign countries without do a thorough analysis on a proposed loans. You must accountable for your actions since you decided to sign a contract.

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