Friday, December 18, 2009

Hun Sen to Sam Rainsy: You are serving Abbhisit

Hun Sen to Sam Rainsy: You are serving Abbhisit

"Silence is not necessarily golden"

1 comment:

wattanak said...

It is strange to me that few commentators have criticised Hun Sen head on as they have taken on Mr Sam Rainsy. Hun Sen will say and do anything now, first to again divert attention from the situation in the East, and second to avenge the embarrassment Sam Rainsy has caused him. It is not beyond him to throw Sam Rainsy in jail or terminate him altogether. This latest accusation highlights that fact very clearly. I do not see the need to perpetuate this accusation by publishing it in your blog.

Turning Adversity to Avantage

Napoleon Hill says "definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement," and my personal definiteness of purpose...