Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thai Villagers sue Cambodia for 2,239,905,000 Baht.

It is very interesting!

The Pattaya Daily News reported Thai villagers sue Cambodia for 2,239,905,000 Bahts for their damages, but the pictures used in the article showing the damages done to Wat Khmer by the Thais. Please click : or click on the title for the report.

Khmer people who are victimized by Thailand's gun power in Cambodia should do the same thing--sue Thailand and those warmongers who instigated the fight.

While Cambodia receives funding from international donors to survive, Thailand has enough money to pay all Khmer victims.The richest Monarch on this planet is also the Thai King.

Let's hope that His Majesty will not let Thailand down and would help the victims and help stop the yellow shirts and Thai Army from their madness.

Meanwhile the damages to the Khmer Temple of Preah Vihear is immeasurable. No amount of Thai Baht can help rebuild or repair the loss.

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