Sunday, April 17, 2011

Best wishes to my two friends -- A gift of life and for life

Today I had a chance to visit two friends: one is a kidney donor and the other one is a recipient.

As I drove through one of the most beautiful mountainous regions in New York—the Bear Mountain area—in the rain, I thought of many things about life. 

Life is good and unpredictable; like the Buddha says, “nothing is permanent except change.”

During the short time I spend on Earth, I have met so many good people, which includes those who sacrifice their life, time, and energy for others.

Many people would travel thousands of miles just to help others. Countless men and women would trade their life for their country.

And a few would risk everything to save a friend. 

One of those few good individuals is Sokhara Kim of Cold Spring New York.

Sokhara is one of the hardest working women I have known. She has succeeded in raising 3 beautiful children and has brought them success in their personal lives.  

She also has stood out as a caring individual for many friends, and her willingness to give half of her life or even her whole life in order to save her fellow Khmer’s artist earn my utmost respect.

Picture by Sokhara

Sokhara is giving one of her kidneys to save Chanthou or Chakra Oeur’s life for both of his kidneys have failed. What a great gift and I know Chakra would use her gift to go on saving Khmer arts—the talent given to him since he was born.

Chakra, on the other hand, is one of the greatest talented Khmer artists I have met. He is also one of my finest friends, a gentleman and a survivor.

Chakra was an orphan and he has fought through many difficulties ever since he was a young child. He survived the Khmer Rouge atrocity.  Since he arrived to the U.S., he has been very active in helping Cambodian community in the United States as well as in Cambodia until his kidney failed.

Via his artworks, Chakra has educated many people in the world to learn Khmer culture, tradition and history. It is a blessing from the sky that Cambodia has a son who is very talented and it is a blessing from heaven that Chakra has met Sokhara. They match!

I spoke with Chakra for hundreds of times and one of the many things we have spoken and dreamed about is to build a solid Khmer community here in New York. Cambodians need a community or cultural center in this great State to better serve our much needed society here.

“Don’t forget about our dream” he said when he was on his way to have his operation. 

“We need a better place for our people in New York”. “I am willing to build an art gallery in the center when I am better,” he continued. 

On the background I overheard the mutual agreement from Sokhara; she too would help to make a difference.

I agree. Khmers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut need help to have a decent cultural center to bring our people together. 

While other communities do have very nice and spacious facilities, Cambodians only have two small private homes renovated as a Buddhist temples to practice our religion as well as to service all community needs. Every time we have a few dozen members come to the temple, we would gasp for fresh air.

I told him it was a noble idea and I would discuss that with the board members, but in the meantime Chakra and Sokhara need to be operated side by side on Monday at 5:30 AM. 

We need people with a good heart like Sokhara and Chakra around. Even in their most difficult time, they still think about their own community. 

What Sokara is doing now is the noblest thing.  I know that they will make it through as they always did. I pray for their speedy recovery.

Best wishes always my friends.

1 comment:


They are my good examples, Louk Po too. Thanks for your sharing. HAPPY KHMER NEW YEAR!!!

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