Showing posts with label Ieng Thirith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ieng Thirith. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2011

Khmer Rouge Crimes: Can Duch go to Heaven?

Can Duch go to Heaven?

Pictured is a live feed of former Khmer Rouge chief torturer Kaing Guek Eav, also known as Duch, during his trial on the outskirts of Phnom Penh April 1, 2009. (REUTERS/Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia)

“Anicca” or impermanence is the natural law of change--nothing is permanent but change is.

When Duch or Kaing Gech Iev was a school teacher, he probably believed in Buddhism like most Cambodians did.

Then when he turned to communism, Buddhism and all religions were his enemy. Buddhist pagodas and temples were converted to storage rooms, pig sties or destroyed.

After killing thousands of Cambodians at the S21 prison and being haunted by his own past actions or Karma, Duch finally turned Christian. Since he has found peace in God, Duch believes he will go to heaven when he dies.

Other leaders of the Khmer Rouge organization have found their way into believing in some form of religion as well. Khiev Samphan, Ieng Sary, Nuon Chea and Ieng Thirith seem to practice Buddhism. While normal prisoners are treated like animals, the top Khmer Rouge leaders are allowed to be blessed by Buddhist monks.

Below is the image at:
Most communists who were in the same organization (Angkar) as these Khmer Rouge leaders have now turned to Buddhism. Although no one knows for certain what these former communists are thinking as they bow down in front of the image of Buddha, these people know exactly what they have done wrong in the past and present.
Below is the image at:
See full size image

Let us hope that the change of heart, mind, soul and faith will bring Cambodia to the right track morally, ethically and socially. Furthermore let us hope that the practice of religion by these people is genuine, and not an act to fool the public. After all, as long as a person is true-hearted, like the "thief on the cross” and Angulimala, during Jesus and Buddha’s time, he or she can be saved.

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