Showing posts with label indigenous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indigenous. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Indigenous--Will they survive?

By Timothy Chhim
April 5, 2011

One thing that I noticed from the movie called Battle Los Angeles was “colonization.” To conquer the earth the aliens needed to kill off the earthlings—the indigenous people on Earth.

What is the difference between aliens from outer space that want to take over the Earth and the aliens on Earth that wants to conquer other nations?

In the movie, the aliens from outer space want to kill off the indigenous earthlings for our water. In real life here on earth, one country conquers the other because it needs something- oil, mine, land, water, and other natural resources.

When the American Indians were conquered, the newcomers—the American settlers-- killed millions of them and leave the rest in the so-called reservations.Read :
When Vietnam conquered Champa, the Cham had been marginalized and their land was taken by the Vietnamese.

The Chinese took over Tibet and made it part of their territory and the list goes on and on.

In modern time, the conquerors promote ideology to justify their invasion: Communism, Capitalism, Freedom, Democracy, etc…

In many cases, the principles seem so perfect, but the application cost millions of lives and the indigenous people got wiped out along with their land, culture and way of life.

Why do certain countries care so much about others and willing to spend billions and send their young men and women to die in the battlefields? All sorts of weapons have been used in the name of a better “ideology.”

American used the most powerful bombers and modern weapons to fight in many wars, including the ones in Vietnam and Cambodia. Russia and China and other countries have done the same. Vietnam had spent billions of dollars to invade Cambodia many times in the past and sacrificed thousands of its citizens inside Cambodia. Is it to save the lives of Cambodians?

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Since World War II, we have not seen the big powers fight each other, but they have been using the little guys to fight their wars.

Meanwhile, the people who suffer are the “indigenous.”
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Khmer people are indigenous of Cambodia. We need to save ourselves from being wiped out. In the movie-- Battle LA-- the earthlings found the way to save their lives and their planet. They found the weak and vital spot of alien fighters and they finally destroyed the Command Center of their operation. With courage, persistence and cooperation--the earthlings won. Watch the movie and think.

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