Friday, May 1, 2009

Fool me once, shame on you...

"Silence is not necessarily golden"

Keep dropping a stone on your toes again and again; you will always get hurt, right? The result will always be the same. In real life, it means: don’t keep doing the wrong things over and over. We must learn from our mistakes and take another approach.

Yes, it happens to all of us. We make mistakes. And I have made plenty of mistakes including the biggest one so far—believing in some phony Cambodian politicians (didn't know I was being fooled).

No, it was not a mistake by trying to help Cambodia and her people. It was indeed a noble and rarest moment to be a daredevil once in a life time. Thank God, I am still alive and kicking. Otherwise, I would end up like many of those dead politicians and no one would shed a tear.

Many people would conceal their mistakes and be ashamed. Actually, they were ashamed for they were being fooled by some shrewd politicians, and decided to be quiet. But silence, is not necessarily golden, it will cost more money, time, effort and probably more lives if bad mistakes are not admitted and shared.

I decide that being fooled once should be enough and admitting it will make me feel better and probably it will save money, time, and effort and possibly Cambodian lives in the future. What was that big mistake?


"Fool me once; Shame on you. Fool me twice; Shame on me."
--Chinese Proverb.

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