Friday, June 5, 2009

Re: Promises and Reality- Can the oppositions run Cambodia?

Thanks Lok Bun Heang,

Without SRP and other oppositions, the CPP would be viewed by the world as an autocratic regime. That's why the CPP is using NEC and, most of all, its multi-level infrastructures to make sure that it gets the majority of votes. The strength of the CPP is its infrastructures and financial supports at different levels. Whether it is fair or not, the CPP has so far managed to control its bases very tightly. Results can be adjusted to meet their need to control the governments.

You are right, the CPP does not need RSP to run Cambodia. It can do it alone but it would rather have opposition party(s) to legitimize its rulings. It will do everything to keep it that way. If Cambodia becomes Champa, history will be written that Cambodia was a democratic country during these periods and the majority of Khmer are to blame for voting for such a government.

Hanoi needs the CPP, the CPP needs the oppositions, and legally speaking the oppositions have to work with the CPP. Whether we like it or not Chea Sim is Ram Rainsy's president in the assembly. They may fight like cats and dogs to win popular supports and to keep their job, and at the end of the day they are (supposed to be) colleague.

When will Cambodians wake up? Right now most Cambodians are happy with where they are and how the situation is. They are fed up with the lies and cheats of many politicians. I don't know if we can blame them or those politicians who have so far used their pains and sufferings to seek higher positions to serve their personal interests.


In a message dated 6/5/2009 6:54:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

My views on your comment :
As long as Yuon-Hanoi rules Cambodia,no way CPP & SRP can live together.....unleast SRP adopted policy to live as FUNCINPEC & NRP.
CPP do not need any party to survive & rule Cambodia but its master Hanoi.

NEC is a sole Tool of CPP to showing the world of CAMBODIA DEMOCRACY.

Hanoi will not need CPP when the Indochinese Federation is accomplished.See Champa & Kampuchea Krom.
Hanoi do not need Cham party and Khmer Kampuchea Krom party to support its ruling.
If Khmer-People do not wake up themselves....The dream of Ho Chiminh will come true for sure.
Ladies & Gentlemen the Vietnamezation is on the way.

Ung Bunheang

Promises and Reality
In theory, SRP and other opposition parties offer great campaign promises for Cambodia. Democracy, justice, freedom, social services etc… are very good and pleasant for Cambodians to hear. But, practically, can SRP and other parties with its current intact infrastructures run the country without the support from the CPP? Can they put together a group of competent and honest leaders to run Cambodia?
Perhaps, my unbiased answers to these questions will not sit well with the diehard supporters of the oppositions or the CPP, but I know that without the support of the current members and leaders of the CPP no opposition party will be able to run Cambodia. The CPP are better equipped and unfortunately all opposition parties lack human resources, intellectual resources, and financial resources, etc...Organizational structures of these parties are not even strong enough to run their own party effectively. Political structures of SRP combined with any other opposition party are still very week. Division within each party exists and morality among most party leaders at all level is still unacceptable. Many of them are worse than or equal to some CPP members.
With current political mood, the way all politicians behave and their personal interests at stake; the CPP will never support the oppositions nor relinquish its power. So the dream that one day the oppositions will run the country within the next few decades is illogical.
What do we need to do to make Cambodia a better place for Cambodians? Every Cambodian, (especially members of political parties,) needs to stop being a yes-man and demand that their politicians be accountable for their works and promises. The opposition leaders must clean up their act, stop their rethorics and become better than the CPP leaders so that their voices are respectable and taken seriously by the ruling party. The CPP leaders, on the other hand, need to keep their mind open for reasonable alternative proposals.

However, with the understanding that both, the CPP and the non-CPP, need each other to survive on; one may want to reconsider their expectation that much changes will be done in the near future. Especially, when Cambodia is under heavy influences of other countries.

Sathonne Chhim
New York

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