Saturday, February 19, 2011

Interesting Proposal--Who will benefit most?

Picture from Bangkok Post

I can imagine what this villager is saying as he threatens to hack this PAD Thai into pieces, "Get out of my village, you war-monger! We are trying to make a living and trying to live in peace, yet you come and create hostility. Give it a rest, you piece of dirt."

Notice that people in Phum Srol are mostly Khmer. I was there in the 70's. Ban=Phum, Phum=Village, Srol is the kind of evergreen tree. Phum Srol = the Village of evergreen trees. Thai always add "Ban" in front of all Khmer villages so that they become Thai's. This should be another living proof that Cambodia has lost much of her territories to Thailand--not the other way around. It's time for Thailand to stop its greed.

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