Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thailand Sourthern Problems: Will it spread to Isaan?

Picture courtesy of iol news

Thousands (about 4,370)had been killed and many have been injured in the Southern Provinces of Thailand (God rest their soul). People in that part of Thailand are fighting to gain their independent from Thailand.

If Thailand continues to disturb the livelihood of Khmer people in Isaan,(Si Saket, Surin, Buriram and others)it is likely that they too may rise up against Thailand.

So far, Thailand are quite lucky because unlike the Southern Thais; Khmer-Thais in Isaan do share similar culture and religion with most Thais; but how long will they be patient from the harassment by the yellow shirts and Abhisit's government?!/image/4092235080.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/4092235080.jpg

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