Monday, December 10, 2012

For those hopeful MP candidates: What to look out for...(cont)

For those hopeful MP candidates: What to look out for...(Continues)

4-Watch for the misinformation:

It is tricky indeed when "misinformation" becomes the only "information" you are given and you need to really digest.

As an outsider who have been exposed to different standard of morality, belief and background. You will have to learn how to separate facts and fictions on your own. Propaganda is being used and abused not only to mislead the public, but you can be deceived as well.

You may hear statements like these: "The whole country is supporting us! (like the collapse of the Earth and Water )", "The CPP is crumbled and many of its members will join us!", "Renown elites with high educational backgrounds or degrees will be supporting us and many of them are supporting us in secret."

The above statements may be used to lure you in, to secure your support and to give you hope. One of the biggest misconceptions is the notion that many CPP members or people who work  for the CPP support the CPP because they have no choice. It's a delusion. 

All CPP members are in "the CPP" together for better or worse. With Cambodia's national resources under its management for decades, this organization has become financially strong and it has given plenty of benefits and reasons for its members to bind together for life. Thanks to the many overseas Cambodians who have used their skills to help make that happen.

Although some of the so-called hidden well educated people may be sympathetic with your cause, they are not courageous enough to join your party. Their self-interests are still bigger than what we call national interests and in addition they do not have much confidence in your leaders. Your leaders know this quite well that  your party will never get the real support from the "ghosts," but telling you the truth is not an option. Those invisible educated individuals will remain unknown, perhaps, forever.

The best way for you to deal with this is to ask your leaders point blank for the names of those would be supporters. Generally, you will hear silence or you would be told that those names are being withheld for future announcement or for their safety. Be prepared for the "no show" meetings from those ghosts.

Most information you receive are distorted.  You will hear some party's leaders misinform you about the many things including the half-truth about your party and its organization. 

What you call the "political party" is merely a group of individuals who operate their political business as a private enterprise owned by a few influential people. This must be restructured . Hence, do not expect to see your party leaders use democratic principles as you know or learn them in the West. Whether it is intentionally or not, the word "democracy" is improperly used and in principle it is grossly misapplied and manipulated.

Most importantly you should take notice and be aware that the organizational structures of your party are still weak and fragile.  It is unquestionable. Most of its leaders are not well trained or simply inexperienced to lead or to follow. Some are just the "24-hour" recruits. This may relate to the financial problems--the problems that can be addressed with the changing of the mental and moral attitude of your political leaders.

Financially, your party is mostly backed by dwindling donors from overseas Cambodians. Unless a drastic change is made the supports from these people will come to an end. Leadership qualities, integrity, good morality and skills must be installed. 

Regardless how much you love your country, if you don't have the money to run the campaigns, you will not get enough votes to win additional seats. 

You may wonder if such an organization can effectively run Cambodia, right? 

Just remember this: if you have doubt about your organization, other Cambodian people will surely have the same impression.

To be continued...

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