Corruption must be curbed in all areas of Cambodian society including corruption and abuses within every political party. Perhaps it is time now for all political parties to look into their leaders and members' defective behaviors--corruption, nepotism and favoritism, etc. There are growing concerns that politicians, not only misrepresent their statements to the public (some people call them lies,) they also mismanage funds given to them by their respective members to use for political purposes.
For those parties which depend on moral and financial supports to survive, they must clean their own mental and financial house first before declaring that they can clean up the whole country. Certain politicians are morally and financially corrupted. They are unable to take care of their personal and familial issues and yet they promise the people that they can help rescue Cambodia--a country with has more complexed problems than their personal matters.
CNRP, for example, should take a lead in cleaning its own house if it is to earn additional trust from members and potential supporters. While Cambodian government has set up an institution to fight corruption, CNRP, too, can set up their own anti-corruption entity to help curb abuses within the organization. The ongoing infighting between CNRP supporters and organizers in the U.S/Canada is a wake-up call for all leaders to find a better way to build and rebuild trust and cooperation.. Personal egos and money handling problems are among the main concerns.
Timothy Chhim
"Silence is not necessarily golden"
Showing posts with label CPP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CPP. Show all posts
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Human Rights or Wrongs?
Picture from the Phnom Penh Post See full story here: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/activist’s-facebook-firestorm
Virak's comment drew barrage of attacks from many individuals on Facebook. Some attacks are very blunt and quite heinous by calling him all sort of names and painting him with a broad brush. Ou Virak is a brother of Ou Chanroth and Ou Chanrith, both are now higher-ranking members of CNRP. I know both of them.
Whether we agree with Virak or not, Cambodians should exercise our restraints so that we don't go too far... as far as to character assassinate this brilliant young man who has served Khmer interests for many years.
I would encourage all of our friends to become brothers and perhaps we should dig for reasons to applaud rather than to scratch for excuse to gossip or to hate. I don't believe that Virak has any tiny bone in him that he would hate Cambodia or Cambodians. All of us, especially Cambodian political leaders, must tone down their rhetorics during this challenging time. Thinking before saying is better than saying before thinking. Maybe we should bite our tongue more often and taking the time to praise those who dare to do good for Khmer people regardless which side they belong to.
Virak may have a few points…on the Thais and the Vietnamese issues:
Politicians should show the world that they can work with the Thai and the Vietnamese, not against them. The United States are dealing directly with Vietnam now. UNTAC somehow tainted and established the word Yuon as racial. The Opposition needs to watch what they say, how they say and stop instilling and inciting fears into Khmer people’s mind about the Vietnamese issue. Fears feed more fears. Racial connotations should be tuned down and toned down. Teaching the people to understand our history and to help stop illegal immigration does not have to include racial attacks and or painting people with the same brush.
Bigger nations like the United States and other democratic nations that deal directly with Thailand and Vietnam won’t be able to help us much if we are perceived as racist. Even if Sam Rainsy is the Cambodian Prime Minister, he will have to work with the Thai and the Vietnamese. These two nations will still have major influences over Cambodia regardless of who runs it.
Remember, " it’s the economy stupid?" The world now is different.
Thank you.
Human right or wrongs?
Virak's comment drew barrage of attacks from many individuals on Facebook. Some attacks are very blunt and quite heinous by calling him all sort of names and painting him with a broad brush. Ou Virak is a brother of Ou Chanroth and Ou Chanrith, both are now higher-ranking members of CNRP. I know both of them.
Whether we agree with Virak or not, Cambodians should exercise our restraints so that we don't go too far... as far as to character assassinate this brilliant young man who has served Khmer interests for many years.
I would encourage all of our friends to become brothers and perhaps we should dig for reasons to applaud rather than to scratch for excuse to gossip or to hate. I don't believe that Virak has any tiny bone in him that he would hate Cambodia or Cambodians. All of us, especially Cambodian political leaders, must tone down their rhetorics during this challenging time. Thinking before saying is better than saying before thinking. Maybe we should bite our tongue more often and taking the time to praise those who dare to do good for Khmer people regardless which side they belong to.
Virak may have a few points…on the Thais and the Vietnamese issues:
Politicians should show the world that they can work with the Thai and the Vietnamese, not against them. The United States are dealing directly with Vietnam now. UNTAC somehow tainted and established the word Yuon as racial. The Opposition needs to watch what they say, how they say and stop instilling and inciting fears into Khmer people’s mind about the Vietnamese issue. Fears feed more fears. Racial connotations should be tuned down and toned down. Teaching the people to understand our history and to help stop illegal immigration does not have to include racial attacks and or painting people with the same brush.
Bigger nations like the United States and other democratic nations that deal directly with Thailand and Vietnam won’t be able to help us much if we are perceived as racist. Even if Sam Rainsy is the Cambodian Prime Minister, he will have to work with the Thai and the Vietnamese. These two nations will still have major influences over Cambodia regardless of who runs it.
Remember, " it’s the economy stupid?" The world now is different.
Thank you.
Friday, August 9, 2013
On widespread protests: Prevent violence is a better choice!
On widespread protests: Prevent violence is a better choice!
It is almost certain that if the widespread protests were to happen, violence would follow.
The violence is likely to happen not because the leaders want it to occur, but because the leaders cannot control the situations in which the emotions of hatred, anger, revenge, fears and jealousy, etc.… are high among the participants. Such emotions have been instilled in people’s heart and mind for quite some time. Mostly are from careless using of political rhetoric.
When you put an angry person by himself to yell and scream on the street, the effect of his anger is small and less harmful; however, when you place thousands of people who are hateful, angry, revengeful, fearful and jealous in the same place, you will multiply the harmful effects by thousands times. It is likened to pouring thousands of gallons of deadly fuel onto a small fire. The negative emotions are high and all you need is a little spark of fire to detonate.
It is the Universal law. Negative attracts more negatives and they just cannot produce positive results.
Cambodia has gone through such situations many times in the past. That
is one of the reasons why its populations have been reduced to where
they are now. They have killed each other from within with such negative
emotions and attitudes that are not well analyzed and understood.
Cambodians have spoken their mind on the 28th of July. They had chosen
to go to voting booths to use the ballots because they wanted peaceful
solutions to their many challenges in life. There is no reason political
leaders cannot do the same—using all peaceful means to help those who
voted for them.
Help fulfill their dreams rather than break
their heart and trust. Stop the rhetoric and prevent violence while you
still can.
It’s a better choice.
Timothy Chhim
New York 08-08-13
Monday, June 24, 2013
Positive Suggestions for The Opposition
Here are some positive suggestions:
On the election:
If you join the election, join it!
Threatening to boycott the election is a rusty, old and dull chisel. Declaring the election process as unfair, not free and yet participating in it anyway is another weakness that makes the world getting whacked. The CPP knows this well and use it to its benefit. If you join the election, join it. Ask the world to come in and help monitor the election. Don’t stop them. Why the fear? When you find that the election is rigged and unacceptable, prove it and show it to the world and help correct it with positive attitude. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.
On your Opponent:
Learn from your Opponent!
The Opposition needs to learn from the CPP. Many CPP ‘s Opponents are blinded by their hatred, anger, revenge and are biased to the point that they do not want to learn from what the CPP has been doing to keep on winning. They resort to personal attacks. When they watch Hun Sen’s speeches, they only see the bad remarks that he makes and don’t bother to realize that Hun Sen does not speak to “the world” but to those who speak the same language as he does—the average Cambodians. They should realize that the world don’t and can’t vote, but the average Cambodians do and can.
On your image:
Arrogance is destructive!
The Opposition leaders need to stop being arrogant. One of the behaviors that the Opposition needs to change is to stop looking down on the CPP leaders as monkeys, an ignorant bunch, animals, criminals, traitors and all other negative adjectives that if people of the world really know what they mean they will view the Opposition as extremists. Such destructive expressions and behaviors will repel not only voters at the grassroots levels mostly controlled by the CPP, but they will make the “International Community” think twice. Remember, birds of a feather flock together.
On the Vietnamese issue:
Work with the Vietnamese, not for them or against them!
Show the world that you can work with the Vietnamese, not against them. The Opposition needs to stop instilling fears into Khmer people’s mind about the Vietnamese issue. Fears feed more fears. Racial connotations should be tuned down and toned down. Teaching the people to understand our history and to help stop illegal immigration does not have to include racial attacks and or painting people with the same brush. Bigger nations like the United States and other democratic nations that deal directly with Vietnam won’t be able to help you much. Remember, it’s the economy stupid. The world now is different.
On your organizational structure:
Help close all leaks in your organization, morally, financially and materially!
Organize your mind first and close all leaks of your good morality if you have it. If you need help, get help to gain or regain your good moral conducts. There are plenty of institutions that can teach you and some of them are for free---good Buddhist temples. However paying someone to help you and your organization is better, because you will value it more. But, the best person who can help you most effectively is YOU.
Don’t trade your integrity with the immoralities found in the current society that you want to change. Keep your ethical conducts checked if you want to give your life to the public and if you want to make a living from serving the people. Your mind is the ground for all things. Therefore your outside organization is only as good as your inside one.
If you fail to clean your mind then you won’t be able to have a clean and uncorrupted organization. If your organization is corrupted, your political life or public life will also end sooner or later. In addition, you will not be able to challenge others about their weaknesses because you also have your own. Two wrongs can’t be right. Two rights can’t be wrong. So, be on the right side. You are in the business to save our country, don’t mess up our country with your immoral activities.
Good morality is the most important. Once you apply it, others will follow. It begins with your admission that your own past is imperfect but don’t use this “no one is perfect” reason as an alibi to continue doing the same things.
Tell everyone in your organization that you and everyone will start it freshly and get him or her involved in special training for political and professional ethics and moral principles. Once your members at all levels improve their morality, you will see less corruption inside your own organization. You will save money, time and effort. This can be translated into more votes. And even if your opponents wrongly attack you, the whole world will know, especially your own little world will judge you appropriately.
For now, as I can see it, your organization is like a Swiss cheese with holes, close them holes. Begin it now with the correction of your morality.
You may tell us the “it’s easy said that done” jingle and use it as an alibi not to correct your mental attitude, but remember this: You are in the business to do the hardest thing for our country. If it were easy, someone else would have done it long before you.
Just do it.
Timothy Chhim
June 24, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
A lesson from the past: Homeland’s call lures candidates
A lesson from the past
I din't know what they meant and didn't believe what they said until some $70,000 later. A great lesson to learn.
So guys, I mean professional politicians, if you want to change Cambodia, you need to change your ways of thinking and your ways of doing things to help her. Change your morality.
If you are thinking or doing the same things---like what you have done previously-- you will get the same result. Worst of all, you will destroy the future of Cambodian oppositions of the next generations.
Khmer people from abroad are naive and mostly honest. They use their heart to think and not their head. A few are greedy, many are hopeful of course, but they don't know much about your tricks or treats.
They trust you wholeheartedly with their life and hard-earned money. Not every Cambodian here in the US earns $10,000 dollars a month. Many get less than that per year...but with the excitements, incitements and mostly fears about the future of our beloved country, they sacrifice their time, money and life.
So have your morality checked! Wear your honesty hat. Be truthful to them. Give innocent people like Mr. Pin a chance to serve Cambodia. And, yes, you can do it. He is not your piece of the "Three-layer Pork Meet."
Timothy Chhim
"Silence is not necessarily golden"
Sunday, December 30, 2012
For those hopeful MP candidates: What to look out for...(cont)
For those hopeful MP candidates: What to look out for...(Cont)
Watch for
the ghost supporters:
Ghost supporters are everywhere, there are plenty of them. If
you look for ghost supporters and hidden members, of course, you will not find
Besides ghost leaders who never show up to support and to
lead your party you also need to know that there are many ghost supporters and
hidden members who will remain in secret and silent forever.
Local leaders will tell you that many of real supporters are
afraid to come out to support your party. Regardless of their no-shows,
according to the local leaders, those ghost members need your assistance with
the money, too.
It is impossible to verify these members because they are
really hidden. Frankly speaking,
majority of them exist only inside those local leaders' head. The numbers of those ghosts are fictitious.
Don't count on their name, address and identification card
because these things can be falsified. The money you spend on ghost members is
likened to the money that Mr. Lon Nol's Generals spent on their ghost soldiers
in the 70's.
The fear is
Although the fear of an oppressive regime is real in
Cambodia, you need to understand that many people including professional
politicians had used such a condition as alibis for their personal benefits at
your expense. They would claim those hidden supporters as one of their reasons
or sufficient grounds to ask you for more monetary support. You must not let
your heart control you head. The expenses on ghost members and supporters must
be brought under control, otherwise your funds will be exhausted much sooner.
It is good to remind yourself that politicking in Cambodia
has become more like a seasonal business. Many leaders and supporters are very
sensitive about the way they do business.
You may not received full support from your local leaders if you ask for
clarification or transparency about how the money was/is spent. Therefore,
you need to be cautious to prevent a possible backstabbing in the future. Many
times it is the enemy from within that really cause you headaches, not the CPP.
You also need to be aware that many people who claim to
support the oppositions are those members of the CPP who were allowed to
participate in your party's gatherings. They do that for their personal
interests. These people without fail would go back to their base and vote for
their own party. When your political leaders brag about the participation of
the CPP's members in your party's meetings, you should not count on those
people's supports.
Just remember that this is how most people who live in many
Cambodian communities interact. They are very loyal to those who feed them. They
may like your party and realize that you have "good" ideas, but at
the end of the campaign season they will vote for their friends, relatives and
their community leaders who work, drink, play and pray together. Social
conformity/heredity , communal norm and personal interests lead them to make
such a decision. Those who cross the
political line will be outnumbered and outcast.
Hence they rather yield to such pressures.
The empty
Your political party may have promised many things in the
past, and they will do it again in the future. Nevertheless, none of those
promises has yet been materialized. This
is one of the weaknesses that the oppositions face in every election. This
upcoming election, for example, some of their promises are too good to be
Somehow Cambodians nowadays are very skeptical of any
campaign promises. They have learned
"well" and they are more intelligent than they were in the past. The oppositions are somehow tainted as the
parties that are poor, broke and unable to support themselves. Internal fighting and defecting also the
causes of the suspicion.
If the promises are put in writing, you may expect some
mocking remarks from many voters. Many Cambodians now don't read and rather
demand and expect bottles (of white liquor) not written pamphlets describing
your promises to bring them a better future. They want to see, touch, taste and
feel instant gratifications.
There is no immediate solution to this chronic immoral
issue, it has been embedded in the mind of many Cambodians for decades.
Education maybe the answer, but excessive drinking, smoking, gambling,
prostitution and other dishonest behaviors may hinder their learning process.
You can blame the current government for this, but it is appalling to learn
that most of opposition leaders and members, too, are in the same boat. This is
where democratic processes in corrupt society tarnish good and fair outcomes of
the elections
One thing that every leader, especially leaders of the
oppositions, can do and need to do instantaneously is to change himself or
herself from within. Be a good leader! Everyone needs to lead not just in politics but in
moral, mental and spiritual as well.
Personal growth is the most important development everyone of us need to
do in order to effectively help develop a nation, region and the whole
world. However, developing ourselves is
the starting point.
You need to realize that many politicians, political
leaders, and supporters of the oppositions are seasonal and they are only
active during the campaign season. For that reason, the level of cooperation
among them is very low. It seems that they are simply in politics for the
money. To them, if you do not have enough money you are nobody. Your knowledge
and education or your backgrounds carry little weight comparing to money.
You may run into a lot of frustration when you see people
with less education, little experience, lack of good morality yet they are listed as top candidates to
become Cambodian lawmakers. You should be reminded that in Cambodia there is a perverted
proverb that says: the money is number one, the woman (other women) is number
two, and the party is number three. National interests are probably the least priority
on their mind.
It is unfortunate that many part-time politicians can
dominate political decisions because they are related and befriend with top
leaders of your political party. This
issue, too, must be addressed!
To be continued...
Monday, December 10, 2012
For those hopeful MP candidates: What to look out for...(cont)
For those hopeful MP candidates: What to look out for...(Continues)
4-Watch for the misinformation:
It is tricky indeed when "misinformation" becomes
the only "information" you are given and you need to really digest.
As an outsider who have been exposed to different standard
of morality, belief and background. You will have to learn how to separate
facts and fictions on your own. Propaganda is being used and abused not only to
mislead the public, but you can be deceived as well.
You may hear statements like these: "The whole country
is supporting us! (like the collapse of the Earth and Water )", "The
CPP is crumbled and many of its members will join us!", "Renown
elites with high educational backgrounds or degrees will be supporting us and
many of them are supporting us in secret."
The above statements may be used to lure you in, to secure
your support and to give you hope. One of the biggest misconceptions is the
notion that many CPP members or people who work
for the CPP support the CPP because they have no choice. It's a delusion.
All CPP members are in "the CPP" together for better or worse. With
Cambodia's national resources under its management for decades, this
organization has become financially strong and it has given plenty of benefits
and reasons for its members to bind together for life. Thanks to the many
overseas Cambodians who have used their skills to help make that happen.
Although some of the so-called hidden well educated people
may be sympathetic with your cause, they are not courageous enough to join your
party. Their self-interests are still bigger than what we call national
interests and in addition they do not have much confidence in your leaders. Your leaders know this quite well that your party will never get the real support from
the "ghosts," but telling you the truth is not an option. Those
invisible educated individuals will remain unknown, perhaps, forever.
The best way for you to deal with this is to ask your
leaders point blank for the names of those would be supporters. Generally, you
will hear silence or you would be told that those names are being withheld for
future announcement or for their safety. Be prepared for the "no show" meetings from those ghosts.
Most information you receive are distorted. You will hear some party's leaders misinform
you about the many things including the half-truth about your party and its
What you call the "political party" is merely a group of
individuals who operate their political business as a private enterprise owned
by a few influential people. This must be restructured . Hence, do not expect to see your party leaders use
democratic principles as you know or learn them in the West. Whether it is
intentionally or not, the word "democracy" is improperly used and in
principle it is grossly misapplied and manipulated.
Most importantly you should take notice and be aware that the
organizational structures of your party are still weak and fragile. It is unquestionable. Most of its leaders are
not well trained or simply inexperienced to lead or to follow. Some are just the
"24-hour" recruits. This may relate to the financial problems--the
problems that can be addressed with the changing of the mental and moral attitude
of your political leaders.
Financially, your party is mostly backed by dwindling donors from overseas
Cambodians. Unless a drastic change is made the supports from these people will
come to an end. Leadership qualities, integrity, good morality and skills must
be installed.
Regardless how much you love your country, if you don't have the
money to run the campaigns, you will not get enough votes to win additional
You may wonder if such an organization can effectively run
Cambodia, right?
Just remember this: if you have doubt about your organization, other
Cambodian people will surely have the same impression.
To be continued...
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Mr. President: Don't forget to say Hello to the King
Mr. President: Don't forget to say Hello to the King
AP reported that, “White House officials emphasized that Obama would not have visited
It is understandable
that Cambodia may
not be good enough to earn respect from the U.S president at this time.
However, America can be tough only
with Hun Sen, the Cambodia ’s
strongman, but it should not be so tough with the Cambodian people and
tradition. Cambodians had suffered enough from some of the American past
policies that may have contributed to such atrocity.
While he is already
there, in the Cambodian Capital, it would be a nice gesture if President Obama
would show some respects to Cambodian people by stopping by to say hello to Cambodia ’s
King and offer personal condolences for the passing of the late King.
Better yet, to help
rebuild U.S. --Cambodia ’s
relationship Premier Hun Sen should help make an arrangement to have such a
visit possible.
Cambodians will be more resentful with the
Americans if President Obama is seen to be disrespectful, arrogant or snobbish
to Cambodia . In addition, Hun
Sen will be able to use such attitude as an alibi to justify his move---
against the United
States or
to become closer to China .
Saturday, November 17, 2012
We should thank Mr. Obama for "seeing" Cambodia!
We should thank Mr. Obama for "seeing" Cambodia--the way it is!
There is no reason why Cambodians, especially the
oppositions, should be worried about President Barack Obama’s visit to Cambodia .
We should let Mr. Obama see for himself the present Cambodia and
Cambodian situations under Hun Sen’s ruling. Mr. Obama should be able to pick up
the positive and negative sides of all developments like economic, social, political
and human rights, etc…
What Cambodian oppositions should do is not to try to stop
Mr. Obama from going to Cambodia
or to attempt to cause any disturbance during his visit. Such attitudes will
only backfire.
Many leaders of the world mostly possess positive mental
attitude toward many things, hence they may view the attitude of the
oppositions as nothing more than just griping in order to grab some attentions.
When people possess optimistic mental attitude, they only
pay attention on the positive outcomes and not to dwell of bad things. They
tend to see good things on the road and not the garbage on the roadside.
Meanwhile those who have negative mental attitude see only the garbage and rarely
see good things within the surroundings.
President Barack Obama waves as he leaves the White House in Washington, Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, for a trip to Southeast Asia. Obama will seek to reinforce American influence in Southeast Asia in spite of the large shadow cast by China. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
It is very important for the Cambodian oppositions to
recognize and acknowledge that there are improvements in Cambodia in the
recent years but there are other issues of concerns that need to be addressed
and address them with the positive mental attitude.
The Cambodian opposition’s leaders must change the way they
act and the way they think. They must move from the negative to the positive
side. Fighting from the dark side may be viewed as an act of fearfulness
and fear is one of the major negative emotions. Cursing, complaining, demanding
or protesting to get help is not an effective approach to reach out to world’s
leaders—those leaders simply don’t have the time to be negative.
President Obama is the President of the United States .
He will do whatever is best for America
and for the American’s interests. Cambodians must remember that. All actions taken
by the U.S leaders will be weighing out carefully for their own national benefits.
The oppositions should be thankful for Mr. Obama’s visit to Cambodia and should be looking for a positive
ways to help him see and deal with Cambodia for the benefit of both countries.
They should become the positive force to help rebuild Cambodia not a
negative entity that can sap energy away from the countries or people who are willing
to lend a hand.
Timothy Chhim
New York
November 17, 2012
New York
November 17, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Cursing for help! Will it work?

Cursing for help!
While Sam Rainsy is awaiting a possible compromise from Premier Hun Sen and the Cambodian King Sihamoni for a potential return of Sam Rainsy to
Pictures: RO of SRP-Europe

Such a protest probably was not approved by
Sam Rainsy; regardless, it probably had gone too far under this particular
It makes Sam Rainsy's recent request to Hun Sen meaningless. It may
also mean that there is a lack of coordination between Sam Rainsy and SRP’s
We should also learn that hostile protests have never been really
effective. Trained world’s leaders do not pay much attention or want to help any
people who “curse for help.”

Peaceful demonstrations with positive slogans and appeals would
bring positive results.Reacting make things worst, responding makes things better.
A good manner does matter.
Timothy Chhim
October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
It’s still a good time to reconcile!
It is not too late to reconcile!

There is no one else in Cambodia except Cambodia’s King and Prime Minister that Sam Rainsy can ask for help for such a special request.
King Father Sihanouk has passed and for Sam Rainsy to go through Vietnam, China or other nations for help is inappropriate because according to Premier Hun Sen Cambodia is independent.
The rejection from the part of Hun Sen’s regime only gives Sam Rainsy a new ammunition to fight on to gain his credibility.
Communications among Khmer brothers must be continued. Without communication, we will not be able to help each other build Cambodia.
Reaching out to his opponent does not mean that Sam Rainsy is weak. It takes courage to request his adversary's help in time of a great national grief and respect.
If he believes that Father King Sihanouk was the father of all Khmers, Premier Hun Sen should be able to show his courage to help. It is much better for Hun Sen to help Sam Rainsy now than to have some foreigners to intervene later on or to handle future problems---putting Sam Rainsy in Cambodia’s jail when Sam Rainsy decides to go in on his own.
Politically speaking, Hun Sen should not be worried about Sam Rainsy if he believes that the CPP is completely in control of Cambodia’s political landscape.
To let Sam Rainsy in at this time Hun Sen will both save his face and will prove that Cambodia and his regime is independent from any foreign’s domination and interference.
It’s still a good time to reconcile!
Timothy Chhim
Mourners offer incense near a photograph of King Father Norodom Sihanouk outside the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh on Friday. (Lauren Crothers/The Cambodia Daily)
Sam Rainsy Seeks Return To Bid King Father Norodom Sihanouk Farewell
By Dene-Hern Chen and Chhorn Chansy - October 21, 2012
Opposition party leader Sam Rainsy has sent a request to Prime Minister Hun Sen and King Norodom Sihamoni asking for permission to return to Cambodia in order to pay his respects to the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk, who died October 15 in Beijing.
Currently in self-imposed exile in Paris—where he has now been for three years—Mr. Rainsy wrote his request in two letters sent and delivered October 18 to the Council of Ministers and King Sihamoni’s cabinet.
“During this time of great sadness, I would like Samdech’s help and understanding to allow me to pay my respects to his soul and see the King Father’s face for the last time in Phnom Penh,” Mr. Rainsy wrote in the letter.
“I was very close to the King Father and I owe him a lot. So the least I could do is pay my last respects,” Mr. Rainsy said by telephone from Paris.
“I would be happy [to return], even for 24 hours,” he said.
Mr. Rainsy was sentenced in 2010 to a total of 12 years in prison on charges of incitement, disinformation and destruction of public property for removing a temporary border marker along the frontier with Vietnam. Although critics slammed the verdict for being politically motivated, Mr. Rainsy has remained abroad, often communicating with his supporters through video link.
He recently vowed that he would return to Cambodia in December to lead the national election campaign of the Cambodian National Rescue Party, a newly merged coalition between the Sam Rainsy Party and the Human Rights Party.
Prince Sisowath Thomico, chief of cabinet for the late Norodom Sihanouk, confirmed that King Sihamoni’s staff had received the letter, but admitted that it was not something the King could intervene on.
“There is an arrest warrant against Sam Rainsy. So if the King allows him to come and pay his respect to the King Father, then what about the arrest warrant? The King cannot decide this case,” Prince Thomico said.
“This is a decision from the royal government.”
Prince Thomico added that in the spirit of honoring Norodom Sihanouk, the government should consider issuing a blanket amnesty for all political prisoners, and under those circumstances, Mr. Rainsy could return without fear of arrest.
“King Sihanouk is a symbol of national reconciliation and I think it would be a good opportunity on this occasion for the government to grant an amnesty to all political prisoners,” Prince Thomico said. “This would be a great opportunity to show that the royal government is paying respects to the King Sihanouk.”
Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, referred questions to officials at Mr. Hun Sen’s Cabinet. Deputy chief of the prime minister’s Cabinet, Lim Leangse, declined to comment.
Mr. Rainsy was one of the first members of Funcinpec, the royalist party formed by Norodom Sihanouk when he was in Paris in 1981. Though he went on to become a Funcinpec minister of finance after the 1993 elections, Mr. Rainsy was subsequently expelled from the royalist party in 1994 after a disagreement with his party leader, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, and CPP leader Mr. Hun Sen, who were sharing the role of co-prime ministers at the time.
Mr. Rainsy said that any disagreements he had at the time with Prince Ranariddh and Funcinpec did not extend to the King Father.
“[Norodom Sihanouk] gave me a lot of advice when I was minister of finance—he encouraged me to stop corruption in government, and to stop deforestation,” Mr. Rainsy said by telephone from Paris.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Yes, We Can Win Without the God King
Yes, we can win!
Losing a God King? Let's respectfully mourn and move on.
Stop accepting that we are the victim:
the victim of the French colonialist, the past unsuccessful policy of King Sihanouk, the failed policy of Pol Pot, the Vietnamese
cruelty and the regime's brutality, etc… because when we think and accept that we
are the victim, we are the victim—forever.
We must rise above being the victim for
we are not. We were born as Khmer and as Khmer we can become as strong as anyone
out there in the world and we have proofs. The proofs are not just thousands of
monuments and footprints out there throughout Southeast Asia and the world but
they are in our blood, heart, mind and spirit.
Picture: From Travelog.Org
What ever happened in the past can be
used as seeds, as stepping stones and as great lessons for us to move forward
to rebuild and construct a bright and dazzling Cambodia. We must learn from all
factors that have led to Cambodia’s temporary defeats with the understanding
that every defeat carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit
when we have the right and positive mental attitude—the attitude of being the victor
instead of being the victim.
We have to realize that each defeat is
just a temporary setback and not the total failure and we have to understand
that it takes many defeats to achieve the final victory—comparing to a baby who
needs to learn from his falls… so many times in order for him to stand up, walk
and then run.
We must get off our knees and stand up
to face all current challenges: immorality, poverty, oppression and foreign
To get off our knees is to take
possession of our mind and use it. And we must use it … with the positive
mental attitude that we are now and will be the victor---we are no longer the
victim: No more crying for help, no more self pity, no more belittling
ourselves, no more fearing and no more accepting any notion that Khmers are
losers and cannot win--- for a loser and a victim are all the same.
From now on we declare that we are the
winner and we can do whatever we want to rebuild and construct our own life as
well as our country… and we can do it as a person, a family, a society and
finally as a great nation.
Take possession of our mind, put our
mind and thoughts together collectively and harmoniously and the victory is
awaiting just a few steps away.
Yes, we can win! And we can win without the former King.
Timothy Chhim
October 18, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A Great Opportunity to Reconcile: Make that phone call now.
A Great Opportunity to Reconcile: Make that phone call now.
When the father is gone, the children should reconcile.
Every adversity, defeat, loss, disappointment carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit, said Dr. Napoleon Hill the author of “Think and Grow Rich” which had sold nearly a billion of copies worldwide.
Regardless of how each of us thinks or feels about King Sihanouk, the majority of Khmer people and the people of the world recognize him as the Father of ALL Cambodians and a god King of Cambodia.
Perhaps Khmers can find the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit from the loss of King Father.
The very least I can think of now is that the death of King Sihanouk can definitely help bring unity for all Cambodians regardless of their political or religious beliefs. That means it is time for ALL Cambodians to reconcile.
Sam Rainsy should pick up the phone and call Hun Sen to let him know that as one of King Sihanouks’ sons and a son of Cambodia Sam Rainsy will be in Phnom Penh to join Hun Sen in the mourning ceremony of Cambodians “God King” or King Father.
Hun Sen should reconsider and help facilitate one of his Khmer brothers to join him in such a rarest ceremony. Let King Sihanouk’s spirit leaves this planet in peace. By doing this Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen will both win, hence the Cambodian people will also win.
As a great gesture the Current Cambodian King Sihamoni should use this opportunity to help free all political prisoners including Mam Sonando and others. He should also request Premier Hun Sen to intercede with the Cambodian court to help remove all charges against Sam Rainsy. By doing this King Sihamoni will be remembered as the next great King of Cambodia after King Sihanouk.
Yes, there are more seeds or opportunities than we need to find good things to help Cambodia after her greatest loss in modern time: the death of the God King.
But, someone needs to take his personal initiative: Make that phone call, now.
Timothy Chhim
October 15, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Hun Sen to Pen Sovan: He hates Vietnam but married to a Vietnamese!
Please click the above headline to hear what Hun Sen had to say about one of his old comrades.
02-02-2012: From TVK-a part of Hun Sen's Speech at Graduation Ceremony of the Police Academy of Cambodia..
Pen Sovan: This story appeared on page 25 of Asiaweek 3/6/92
Timothy Chhim's Collection
"Silence is not necessarily golden"
Friday, June 3, 2011
A little leak, a little lie and a little too late for the UNITY

A secret phone talk between Samdech Hun Sen and Kem Sokha on July 25, 2007 has brought storms of criticisms from all sides.(Click here for Bayon TV's discussion.)
The leak had caused Kem Sokha to become the instant spin doctor for his HRP trying to explain why he had to speak to Premier Hun Sen regarding their strategy to weaken SRP, etc...(click here to read the transcript).
In Cambodian politics, lies can be called maneuvers. When a politician lies and get caught he may get away with it, if he/she can charm his/her way out of such a deception. After all, many voters may have a short memory.
Kem Sokha’s reasons why he needed to talk to Samdech Decho Hun Sen are ridiculous and unreasonable for many of us, but those who are on his side including his yes-men/women will find ways and means to justify Kem Sokha’s actions.
One may question why many other party’s leaders were not given the same opportunity (or didn't need) to talk with the premier to get his green light. However, Kem Sokha believes it is OK to have some candid conversations with different party leaders; after all Samdech is a Khmer, too (!).
It pays to know someone on the top, doesn’t it?
Some HRP’s members might suggest HRP’s Disciplinary Committee to take some actions against Kem Sokha, except they knew too little how HRP operates. The “democratic processes” inside this party exist only on paper. What Kem Sokha wants, Kem Sokha gets it. Nepotism does exist.
Many HRP's founders and key members have left because they had lost confidence in Kem Sokha and his organization. Others, who got smarter, have completely stopped supporting HRP. Nevertheless, other fanatic members will continue to believe in his "maneuvers" hoping some days they will reap personal and political benefits together. Those who knew about the talk (between Samdech and Kha) or other secrets and believed they were misled have already made their decision to jump ship.

It is believed that after this first little leak and little lie; many HRP members will have to reconsider their support. Members who believe that Kem Sokha directly or indirectly deals with Samdech Decho, will probably have to join CPP openly rather than working with its proxy.
SRP on the other hand will reap some immediate benefits from the leak. Many SRP’s leaders have questioned Kem Sokha’s motive and sincerity well ahead of the inception date of HRP.
The relationship between SRP and Kem Sokha turned bitter when SRP boycotted all Kem Sokha’s CCHR public forums in the early part of 2006 claiming that Kem Sokha had repeatedly attacked SRP in the open.
The relationship between SRP and Kem Sokha turned bitter when SRP boycotted all Kem Sokha’s CCHR public forums in the early part of 2006 claiming that Kem Sokha had repeatedly attacked SRP in the open.

Kem Sokha’s attitude toward SRP seems to be consistent. His conversation with Premier Hun Sen further reveals his true intention: to split SRP.
His primary target was not the CPP but the oppositions. Cambodian professional politicians who live on politics know very well that most members of the CPP are completely loyal to their leaders at all levels. There is little chance any CPP member will jump ship to be with a HRP; therefore, it is obvious that the creation of HRP has only helped weaken SRP as well as other oppositions.
Meanwhile, some overseas Khmers are still vulnerable to the belief that many members of the ruling party as well as the other oppositions will switch to support HRP because Kem Sokha’s HRP is “the best and the last choice Cambodians have.”

More and more Cambodians in Cambodia now are much better off than they were and yet HRP have not been able to raise enough funds to support its operation. What are they trying to tell us?
With this in mind Cambodians can put an end to their long waiting dream—a unity among the Non-CPP. At the end the CPP and its affiliates will be the winner(s).
A little leak, a little lie and it is little too late for the UNITY.
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